Saturday, October 25, 2008

November month is poker month for me!

So...ya. I'm about to embark on one insane month of poker, I'm really eager to get it all going since I've snapped out of the funk I was in for most of the summer. The bad streak she ends! And I didn't take time off even, just stuck around. I think the thing that kept me going through it was Bruno calling me a fucking asshole and telling me he hated me in a pm when I posted here frustrated one night during the run. Thanks Bro!

So, November she comes at a good time, because I'm going to be playing alot of poker, and investing a fairly large chunk of money into poker in this coming month. At least I'm hoping. I still haven't been able to book all the days off work for this, but tenatively my schedule for November looks a little something like this :

Starting with FTOPS X(I think it's 10, too lazy to check) my schedule for that is crammed full :

Wendesday November 5th : $216 buyin, $1,000,000 guarantee NL 6-Max.
Thursday November 6th : $256 buyin, $200,000 guarantee PLO.
Friday November 7th : $216 buyin, $150,000 guarantee Limit Hold'Em 6-Max.
Saturday November 8th : $535 buyin, $350,000 guarantee PLO 6-Max.
Sunday November 9th : $256 buyin, $600,000 guarantee NL Hold'Em Knockout(bounties per elimination)
Sunday November 9th(later that night) : $322 buyin, $1,500,000 guarantee NL Hold'Em
Monday November 10th : $322 buyin, $250,000 guarantee Mixed Hold'Em
Tuesday November 11th : $216 buyin, $150,000 guarantee PL HA(Hold'Em, Omaha)
Friday November 14th : $216 buyin, $400,000 guarantee NL Hold'Em
Saturday November 15th : $535 buyin, $500,000 guarantee NL Hold'Em Heads Up Tourney
Sunday November 16th : $129 buyin, $500,000 guarantee NL Hold'Em KO
Sunday November 16th(later that night) : $535 buyin, $2,500,000 guarantee NL Hold'Em Main Event

Then after that, tenatively depending on what I can work out with work, I hope to be taking vacations and heading down to Vegas for 2 weeks. Down there I'll probably be mixing in some heavy cash game action with some more tourney action down there.

I know Venetian has their 4th DeepStack Extravaganza down there running all November, so I'll probably hit up at least a couple of those. The structure looks solid, $330 buyins and $12,500 chips to start with, only thing I can't remember is the timeframe of the levels, I played alot last time I was in Vegas, I just can't recall if they were 40 minutes or an hour per level. I was hoping to get to play some of the Caesers Palace Mega-Stack Series but it looks very unlikely unless I leave home on the Monday immediately after FTOPS wraps itself up, and make it down to Vegas in time for the $1k buyin Championship Event of the series, 25,000 starting stacks and hour levels, 3 day event. I'm not 100% sure about that.

So ya, looks like November's going to be a busy month. And potentially cripplingly expensive, between that and the fact that I also now have to buy a new computer thanks to my PC melting or exploding or getting herpes or something...

I've been pricing some PC's around, and also asking a few people I know about monitor situations, so I'm going to pose that question publicly now : What do you guys recommend for a screen setup? I'm thinking two 25.5" Samsung SyncMaster's, I'm just not sure if that's the best idea. Does anyone recommend just buying a 30" Screen instead? Any other ideas?

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