Monday, October 6, 2008

A night out at fallsview leads to the sickest hand I've ever played(Marc knows :P)

So, I went down to Fallsview to play some 5/10 PLO for the 2nd or 3rd time in the span of 3 days, and it went pretty badly, to pretty well, to really badly, to pretty well again. Let me explain...

I worked through the day, so once I got off work I just immediately hopped in the car and headed down to the poker room at Fallsview. I did the old "change en route" thing swapping shirts to get out of my work uniform. And then I promptly got to Fallsview and immediately did something stupid. I locked my keys in my car as I went to grab some things from the trunk, and toss my work uniform in there.

Thankfully, Marc was kind enough to let me drop off the uniform in his room until such time as I could get a spare set of keys for the car and get it open. Thanks again Marc.

Fallsview poker room is officially booming. WPT is in town and there are guys all around the room playing now. They had some big games, 25/50 NL was open while I was there. Tuan Lam was floating around the poker room, and naturally, Marc's been around for most of the week, no doubt crushifying the poker room.

Anyway, on to my funfunfun Omaha session.

I sit down to play 5/10 PLO, and whatever will be will be, any hand that happened in the entire session doesn't matter one bit until this one, which I will never forget as long as I live, because it was so bizarre I actually had to ask the dealer at first blush, what he had...

Here we go! At the point where the hand takes place I've chipped up to nearly $2000 from my $1000 buyin.

There are 5 limps around the table to me in the BB, I look down at Kh/Kc/Qc/9d. So I decide to raise pot and try and thin the herd. I raise pot, to $70, and get 2 callers.

Flop comes Ks/Js/7c. The nuts for now, but obviously a large action flop potentially. I decide to jam the pot hard, and lead out $200. I get one caller. The turn is a great card. 5d. I jam pot yet again to $600. He smoothe calls again. Pot is now somewhere in the $1800 range. The river is a 4h. Good card yet again so I shove hoping he calls off with JJ. Instead, he pretty much snap calls here which was weird because he had been tanking on most streets. And then he rolls it over, the hand I will never forget...

Keep in mind the board : Flop, Ks/Js/7c, turn 5d. river 4h. I jammed pot every single street.

He rolls over, Ah/9h/6h/3d. Straight. $3400 pot.

He actually managed to be calling drawing stone dead in an Omaha game, he picks up a double gutshot on the turn and calls another pot jam, and rivers his straight. I could see the flop containing something than maybe that hand plays out like that, but given the way the hand played, there's never a way he should be in preflop, or on the flop. Or even on the turn despite the fact the turn finally gave him some outs or a draw.

Anyway, after that setback I went for a walk, ironically around this time my spare keys showed up, so I tended to that and then went back to work at the table. I won back a fair amount again, and ended up mostly even for the session, I'll be blogging a fair amount in the next week, largely because I'll probably spend a great deal of time at Fallsview playing in that Omaha game this's drawing alot of action right now as WPT approaches.

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