Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Best hourly income of my life...

So, I headed down to the good old Fallsview today. Got down there around 2:30pm, put my name on a few lists, and ran down to check on the WPT situation. Got down there just as they were going on break, and had a chat with Marc, which more or less became a running theme throughout the day. It was actually I've gotta say, alot of fun, and very insightful discussing hands with Marc that he had played, and having him explain why he did what he did. It also became a theme that while I was down there, I'd always run into other players I have respect for and have some interesting conversations as well about poker, hands they had played etc. I had a couple very interesting conversations with Mike "Timex" McDonald while he was railing Steve Paul Ambrose who was at Marc's table. It was way more fun than I figured it would be, so I actually intend on going down there tomorrow and pretty much chilling for the day on the WPT rail.

It's hectic to get on a cash game table right now anyway, although it is starting to clear up a bit. I finally did manage to get myself on a 5/10 NL table, although I didn't wind up there for very long.

I sat down and took off a peice of a rotation, the table was full of older guys, all very tight and very weak players. I sat down and played a few hands, and then I decided to get into pots and get involved.

First hand, there was a raise from EP to 30, and 2 callers to me, and given how weak and passive the table was I just randomly decided to pull a squeeze play. So I re-popped to 125 with 9/4 offsuit, and everyone cleared the way. Free $100.

Next hand, there was a raise as well to 30, and 2 callers again, all 3 were the same players, and again no one was showing any real strength, so I decided I'd do it one more time to try and send a message. This time I had a hand I wouldn't mind seeing a flop with either if it came to that, 7h/5h. Not great holdings, but I had position, and they were playing ultra tight, so I re-raised to 125 once again, and again they both cleared the way. Free $100.

Now, if you could sculpt your ideal cash game session what would it be? For a great many of us, I suspect it's something like sit down, play a little reckless, accumulate some chips, tighten up after your image is nice and LAG, and have people pay you off. Here's how in literally 3 hands, I accomplished that.

Once again an EP raise to 35 this time, and 2 callers yet again. I look down at Qc/Qd. Perfect. A real hand, and I KNOW someone's going to start getting a little wary of my constant re-raising, and I have a great chance of getting played back at with a hand players this tight would never play a huge pot with. So yet again I re-raise to 125. This time, the first of the callers, after the initial raiser folds, decides to take a stand, and he moves all in for $820 total. I call instantly because given the circumstances of the last few hands, and the way this one was played, I'm literally behind here -10% of the time. Somehow negative percents are invented specifically for this case. These aren't players that are at all sophisticated enough to smoothe call KK or AA hoping I'll squeeze behind.

Sure enough, he shows 9/9 and I hold. Suddenly in literally 3 hands of poker, I'm holding $2100. $1100 profit. I play for a bit more, slowly chipping away with some real LAG play at the table, and eventually cash out for $1400 profit after less than an hour at the table.

I'd typically be all about sitting down and putting in a marathon session, but a few things were working against me so to speak. 1 - I couldn't help but be way more interested in how Marc was doing than my own game, so I kept running down to the WPT room after my puck every so often and see how he was doing, so my mind wasn't really in the game. 2, and more importantly - The game had really started to dry up. Somehow my ultra LAG style at this table, encouraged people to play less hands and play super tight, so I was risking alot of chips because the only action I started to get were PREMIUM hands against me. I was chipping 15 bucks here and there taking blinds, but in all relative terms it was kind of a risky game for me to be in since they were all squarely focussed on me and waiting to pick me off. And to make matters worse, the table started to lose a few of the older guys I was abusing, and got replaced with some talented young kids that weren't going to be easy to deal with. The game just became really undesirable in the span of an hour. I think I broke it. :)

Anyway, congrats to Marc are in order, it's absolutely bat-shit insane that you've cashed all 3 years the WPT's been in Niagara, and your play never ceases to amaze. It's about time you won a million dollars THIS year I've been kinda slackin'. :P

Side note : My money management skills are at an all time high. This coming from the guy that bought a 61" HDTV, and then 3 months later bought a 40" LCD for his room because "I don't like regular TV anymore, gotta be HD!"

Today I went into a watch store they have in Fallsview, and saw a watch I desperately want, a new Movado. The price was $1250. And I managed to restrain myself from buying it, at least for today...kinda hoping I can manage another day like that.

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