Monday, July 2, 2007

WSOP Day 2

That was quick.

It's a sickening feeling when you walk into a tournament area knowing you're on a crazy short stack. I was literally at the point where I thought if I could even manage to get my money in where I was a 40/60 dog, I'd take it. A coin flip would be great. More than that was unlikely.

The first hand I had the button and wanted to shove right there, I didn't even intend on looking, but insanity ensued infront of me as AK and KK got it all in.

My first chance to really open a pot was after my table broke, I had a chance from 3 UTG to open with Ad/5d, and shoved. The only person I actually had covered, called me and showed AQ, and it held, so suddenly by crazy short stack of 16,500 at that point became 9400. I was in serious trouble. I folded one hand UTG+1, and the next hand, UTG I found 2/2 sitting in my hand. Flip it was, I hoped, and shoved it in. The SB raised over the top all in which literally made me sick to my stomach because I thought for sure that was like 8/8 to 10/10 making that play. BB called then. Uh-oh. I actually yelled across the table, "God...please show me AK and AK". And they nearly did, A/10 for the SB, AK for the BB. Not a great spot, but I have them slightly locked up, and I've got my money in with the best of it in a 3 way pot. If it holds I win over 30,000 chips and inherit a nice chip stack. The flop brought an ace and that was it. 194th place, 3,871 dollars. Bruno busted just before me when he got his money into a three way pot also with AQ and was up against AK and KJ. The board came A/K/Q/10/6 ironically. Both of us cashed the same amount, a pretty good day at that point.

We met up with Will and Gina and headed over to Caesers Palace to play. Of every card room I've been in so far, I like Caesers the best. I haven't been to the Bellagio yet, nor do I probably have the money to do it, but with that said, Ceasers has a great card room. So we sat and played some cash game action, which had a bunch of interesting hands. Bruno and I actually sat at the same table today, and we were both playing very agressively, actually so much so we chased almost the entire table away from us. The first considerably sized pot either of us played, was me, limping middle position with Ac/3c and calling a small raise. The flop came Qc/10c/9h. We're all about 200-400 dollars deep, there's 20 in the pot preflop. UTG fires 10 dollars. I raise to 30 dollars straight. Next to act re-raises to 60 dollars. UTG folds, and I call the extra 30. The turn is a brick, 5h. I'm almost positive he has a straight already, there's a slight chance he's overplaying a set, but I'm fairly sure I'm against KJ and drawing to just the club. So my options are simple, there's 150 in the pot, I have 130 behind. There isn't really a fold equity to re-shoving here, so I basically have to check to him, which I do. He bets 60 again. Now I'm in a tough spot with one card to come, and I consider folding here, for a minute, then decide to make the only other move in my eyes, which is actually a re-raise all in. The reason I did that was I thought if I was going to gamble on the flush, I wanted there to be no chance he gets away from his hand. If I call and a club peels on the river, I move in my 70 and allow him a chance to fold. If I shove I commit his entire stack to my gamble. He obviously calls and rolls over the KJ, and the turn is the 6c. Ship it!

We played a bit longer, and Bruno ran into two monster setup hands. One where he raised with 6/8 suited UTG and flopped the nuts, 10/9/7, and got someone all in for a near 900 dollar pot who held 1010 and the turn paired the 7. The other big setup was another near 800 dollar pot where he made an open ended straight flush draw and got all the money in against top 2 pair and failed to improve. After that he was stuck near 1000 without really making a mistake.

We, for everyone Jackseven related, did see Marc Karam playing his event at the Rio when we were there, although our breaks didn't overlap so we couldn't actually say hi.

Tomorrow I'm not really sure what we're doing. we haven't really put in a long session yet for a cash game, which is angering Bruno because he's more of a cash game player, and angering me because I still haven't had a losing session at any cash game I've sat down to. So tomorrow the plan is sleep in, and then grind out a long 12 hour session or something, still haven't decided where. Bellagio or Caesers most likely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job Kevin and Bruno. your staying at the Binions go and play at the GoldenNugget. There is a great 1 2 nl no maximum buy in and lots of tourist there. The two sessions that I played there were 12h and 14hr and with $1600 the first session and $1400 the next. I buy in for $500 most of the tourists buy in for the min 100.