Saturday, July 7, 2007

It's been a while, alot's happened, catchup time.

So, it's been a while since I wrote one of these, so I guess I should get some people up to date with what's happened since then.

When I left off, I was ready to play the 2 Binions Poker Classic Main Event's for 500 dollars a peice, so let's start there. The first one went badly in that I couldn't seem to do anything right at all for the first 2 hours and had taken my 10,000 stack and made it 3300. Then at the next break I had grinded my way back to just over 5000. It seemed like any move I made was at the wrong time, and any coin flip I had I lost.

After the 2nd break I got really creative with AA to win a huge pot, limping behind 4 other limpers infront of me. Sonny would have thrown up if he'd have seen this since he firmly beleives in not slow playing AA, but I had to do something. SB and BB topped up and checked and the flop was Q/8/4, and I got a player all in with Q/10 against my ninja-like AA.

A few hands after that, I stacked a guy with JJ against my QQ. And after that I stacked a guy after check-raising top 2 to get him all in with a flush draw. Suddenly my stack was 44,000 and I was in great shape. Then, not so much. I went back to the can't win a race, couldn't make any move at the right time poker from earlier, and eventually I was gone, no cash. Pretty sick, although I didn't think I made a mistake really.

The next day was worse, I only lasted just over 2 hours, after the first break, I ran into the cooler, when my KK ran into AA. It was extra sick because when I shoved and he called he delayed flipping his cards over and asked "Do you have Kings?", which made me breathe a sigh of releif since that meant he had QQ in my eyes, then he rolled over AA anyway.

And that was it for my tournament schedule this year, a profit in tournies of basically 2400 dollars. Cash games were going well, and actually became alot of fun.

I sat at a 4-8 Omaha/Eight Or Better for about 20 minutes one night and made 120 bucks, and then had to walk away because I wanted to punch a guy in the face. The situation was, the board read K/Q/J/9/8 and it went bet-call. The better then said, "Straight", but didn't show his cards, and the other guy turned his straight over as well, then the better mucked his cards to alot of confusion to the table, until he calmly let us know he's just a slimy bag of douche. "I was trying to get you to muck your cards, I didn't have a straight". Okay, I better step away before I strike him.

So, the next day I went to Caesers Palace again, as I said I truly love their card room, and this was extra fun. Don Cheadle was there playing 1-3 NL, so after I got sat at a table, and doubled up quickly, I saw a seat at his table open up so I slipped over there. Nice guy, very outgoing at the table and approachable. I won a pot off him with top pair against what I assume was his flush draw, and I immediately thought of something Bruno and I had seen earlier in the trip and wanted to buy, that I know thought would make a great little joke memento for winning that pot, so I went to go buy a small crystal donkey to use as a card cap. 55 bucks probably horribly spent, but I love it. After that, I ate, came back and ended up at Bruno's table and ran really, really badly, eventually getting stuck 300 plus a tournament buyin. Not ideal but I still profited on the day.

The next day I ran into another big problem. The Plaza, where I was staying, had told me when I arrived that there was a 10 day limit on people staying there, then you had to check out. Which gave me concern but they said it wouldn't be a problem, just to check out and check right back in. And so I went down to do so, and was calmly told they were sold out. So I started to call around and no one really had vacancy(WSOP weekend, and there's a crazy amount of tourism down here right now to get married since today is 7/7/7), so I finally ended up at the MGM Grand, not cheap at all...but nice.

So, I checked in and headed down to their cash games, and ran into my 2nd celebrity run in. Jason Alexander sat down at the table across from me at 1-2 NL while he was waiting to play 2-5 NL. He complimented my crystal donkey when he sat down :) So, on the third handed I decided to pay his kindness back by stacking him. The thing I've started trying is playing hands literally to the point where it's basically wrong, to try and be very sneaky and stack people on good flops. The situation was Jason limped, and MP raised to 15, got called, got called, and it came to me in the SB with JJ and I smoothe called, which is completely wrong especially given the fact that I'm out of position, but I figured if the flop came under or with a J I might stack someone, and even out of position I'm very comfortable playing after the flop. Jason called. The flop was 8/4/2, and I checked, Jason bet 20, the original raiser folded, one player called to me and I just smoothe called again. The turn was another 8. I checked again, Jason bet 20 again, the first guy called again, and I raised to 60. Jason put 12 more all-in, other player folded and I called showing JJ and he showed 99.

Other than those stories, the trip's been kinda record breaking for me, I've made alot of money down here, but I'd never played a 1000 dollar pot in my life in a cash game, I lost a 1160 dollar pot at 1-2 NL(only 200 of it was mine, I had worked that 200 into almost 600), without again making a mistake, the hand just really played itself out. On a flop of Js/3d/6d there are only 2 hands that are going to be willing to shove 600 bucks into the pot, my hand, JJ, and his hand, 4d/5d, he made his flush on the turn. Se la vi.

Sonny met Allen Cunningham at a golf course down here, which naturally has me very jealous since of everyone in poker he's probably the poker player I try and emulate, and I love the way he plays the game.

I got crushed in our first private tourney at the Plaza, and then skipped over to the Bellagio finally, and didn't ever actually sit because the wait was over 2 hours long, although the reason I mention it is on the way out, I met my first poker player I was truly star-struck by. "Amarillo Slim". He was sitting at the bar right outside the Bellagio poker room and I just went over and said hello.

And so that brings me to today, my last day in Las Vegas, the plan is now to go to the Bellagio and see if I can actually get into a game, then head over to the Rio and see if I can spot Marc Karam, and if I can wish him luck in the main event, and after that I have another of our private tournaments, then probably more Bellagio play.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know it sucks when it comes down to the last two days down there. You don't want to leave.