Sunday, November 9, 2008

FTOPS X, Finally a result...($1800)

So after the first 2 events kind of flamed out, Sunday was my next day at FTOPS.

So, we get down to action in a $256 buyin 6-Max KO tourney...

Grind for a little bit, not really getting much and then the entire tourney flames out in one big hand :

Blinds are at 100/200, UTG goes to 600, UTG+1 flats, and another player flats, I have 3400 total, and As/Ks in the SB, so naturally I shove bomb it. BB clears the way and UTG re-shoves over and UTG+1 SNAP calls.

UTG rolls over QQ
UTG+1 rolls over AA

Well, way to put your money in behind Kevin...good lord. Needless to say victory was not mine.

Then we got to the nightcap. a $322 buyin, 1.5 mill guarantee, and hey look, finally I get a result.

I'm WAY too tired right now to type out hands of interest here, maybe if I get popular request on J7 or something I'll update some, but in any event, the tournament had 5300 players, and I wound up finishing 96th I beleive.

It was a very frustrating experience to a point in that for the last hour and a half or so, I ran so unbeleivably card dead it would scare anyone, and wasn't really presented alot of ideal steal spots(alot of situations I had where I SHOULD be stealing, I'd be facing a short stack that would commit me to calling a shove so I couldn't steal, or at least I felt like I couldn't in that circumstance).

Overall, again, I feel like I'm playing amazing poker right now, I'm so unbeleivably confident in my play, I think there is probably only one hand I'd like to have back, and it was mid-late stage of the tournament where a big stack raised it up and I had AA in the SB. I considered flatting and checking, but decided to repop, and I kind of regretted it after, he was pretty agressive in hands he was playing post flop, so I think flatting is probably a more ideal play. Although we did have history from a hand where I completely mis-calculated the size of a re-raise and made it WAY too small, about 2.5x his bet, not even, and he said something like "all these min-raises", and I made a sarcastic comment to him because about 5 hands earlier he had literally minraised someone on a flop. So I decided instead of flatting him I'd basically re-raise him slightly over min. But he folded after a brief tank.

Outside of that, as I said, goddamn would I have loved to have had some late tourney hands to discuss but I had none. I had NOTHING. In over an hour and a half of poker late in the tourney, with tens and hundreds of thousands staring me in the face, in that hour and a half, the best had I saw was Ac/3c. I raised that one up, got a caller from the BB and the flop was 2d/4d/Kd and he shoved...

Eventually, I found myself right around 10 BB(slightly over 10 BB but they had just notified blinds were going up next hand and that jump would put me at 10 BB pretty much dead on), folded around to me on the button, so I was shoving ATC. I had Kh/4h. Shoved, and got called by AK in the blinds. Nothing happened, obviously.

Wound up with a decent cash, ~$1800...but it burns to not get more.

Oh well, as I said, could not feel better about my play this FTOPS. I feel amazing. Not sure what events are on the horizon for me. I might be taking basically the week off until Saturday's Headsup Tourney.

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