Sunday, July 27, 2008

Atlantic City Trip Day 1

Okay, so wow. Someone forgot to send me the memo that said the average player down in Atlantic City is slightly worse than the worst poker player ever. Someone really should have told me.

I won't give overwhelming details, but here ya go, the trip thus far :

So, we take off Friday night to head down to Atlantic City, me, Alex and Jason. We get down here at around 6:00 am Saturday morning. We grab a cheap hotel and crash, and wake up Saturday ready for world domination. No one told us it'd be this easy :

We start where anyone would logically start when they hit Atlantic City, The Borgata. Which has quite possibly, and almost deffinitely, the most breathtaking poker room I've stepped into. Massive room, tons of tables, beautiful set up, very spacious to have that many's a wonderful place to play poker.

So I sit at 1/2 NL with Alex, 300 max buyin. We both bring the max, and I immediately get to work establishing a LAG image, raising lots of pots...showing down goofy hands when I hit, and I have a big target on my back. I lose one big coin flip As/Ks against QQ for 200 bucks, rebuy back to the max and get on with it. When all is said and done, I'm up $900 for the session. One huge pot I play against the big stack at our table where I call a raise with 99, flop is 2/4/6 rainbow, he bets I call, turn is a 9 and we play a huge pot with his KK. The "funny" thing is I told him before the hand started I was going to flop a set, because he had flopped 3 sets in 10 minutes before that.

After that session we head over to the Taj Mahal, partially because all the success and money I make playing poker(which while not extreme, is pretty good, enough to live on) is owed to that place and the movie Rounders. So we play a tourney with absolutely abysmal play, a nice structured deep stack tourney, and I go broke fairly early, Alex runs much deeper. We head in for the night.

Woke up this morning and shot over to Caesers for their deepstack tournaments. And that went much better. I grabbed a chip lead fairly early on and was relentless against the entire tournament, taking pot after pot. Eventually, we were down to two tables, the average stack was probably 50k-60k in that range, and I was floating at 175k. Final table started, I took one massive hit with QQ vs A/10 vs K/J in a threeway all in pot that would have given me over 1/2 the chips in play when we were 5 handed, instead the A/10 made a straight. I ended up still playing fairly strong and making a 2nd place finish good for 1500 bucks. The old guy I played heads up quite literally ran like god when we got heads up, I'd flop a fairly big peice of the board and he'd flop the stone cold nuts. Eventually I shoved 180k with blinds 15/30k with A/9 suited, he called with K/Q suited and spiked a Q.

I've checked into the Borgata for tonight, hence the internet access finally, and me and Alex are just getting ready to head down to crush some insane donkeys that exist here. Infact, they're not even donkeys, donkey's play to good to be associated with the average player here. So I'm going to coin a new phrase exclusive to players in Atlantic City to describe how atrocious they are :


Enjoy ladies and gentleman. The players in Atlantic City are kinkajou's.

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