Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Lion, The Phantom Tourney and THE prop bet.

Today was probably the most fun day the 3 of us have had down here so far. Alot of fun, with some poker mixed in.

The day started at around 2:00pm, allowing for lots of sleep, and we decided to head over to the Golden Nugget to sit in on their 65 dollar tournament with a 40 dollar rebuy. The weird structure has it at 2000 starting stack, 3000 for your rebuy, so you'd have to be clinicly stupid to not just buy in 105 and take the 5000 starting stack.

I was at 10,000 even after the first break, and we came back from the break to watch my stack evaporate with 3 consecutive flush draws hitting on me in 3 straight hands. Sucks.

From there, we decided to go over to the Paris after reading in Cardplayer they have a Pot Limit Omaha tourney for 65 bucks starting at 7:00pm. One problem, we get to the Paris and they inform us they don't run that tournament anymore. Nice. We passed on a comped meal at the Nugget, and I pulled Sonny away from absolutely conquering a Craps table(he was up over 900 dollars between the Craps and Blackjack), to go to the Paris and find the Phantom Tournament advertised in Cardplayer.

We went to grab food at this burger place in the Paris when we found an opportunity for an epic humiliation prop bet.

Sonny had been playing slots alot, and doing very well(including winning 150 bucks from one right before our meal), but he had lost at a nickel slot machine, and actually left himself one credit, and printed the voucher for 5 cents, intending on using it as a prop bet.

So, we're sitting eating when we discuss going to see the opening of Transformers at the MGM Theater, and Bruno tells me it's opened already. I say it hasn't, it opens July 4th, and Sonny pulls out the 5 cent voucher and dares us to make a prop bet on it. Loser has to take the voucher to the main cage at the MGM and cash it for a nickel.

As some of you may know, but for those who don't, I'm right. Transformers does infact open July 4th, and so Bruno lost the prop bet. We headed over to the MGM after the meal, and captured the entire thing with many, many pictures, as well as some video of him doing it. The best moment was when they ID'd him at the cage while cashing the 5 cent voucher. It was absolutely hilarious to be there for, and credit to Bruno for actually going through with it. I would have been sick having to cash that myself.

After that, we headed over to the MGM for some cards. Bruno and I sat at the 1/2 NL Tables, Sonny sat at the 4/8 limit table, since he's half drunk(still up like 1500 on the day from all the table games, he won 800 at blackjack at the Paris). Bruno and I crushed the 1/2 game, he won 260 or something, I won over 400 dollars. Here's a few interesting hands :

The first one was the biggest hand of the day by far for me, I fluctuated down to 26 dollars from my 200 starting stack losing 2 big setups, and had just worked my way back to a fair stack, when this hand occured :

6 limps in total to the cut-off who raises to 20. I call on the button with 7d/8d. Two other players call.

The flop is 8/5/4 rainbow. They all check to me, I fire 20 which is a weak bet but at that point I don't want to go to war since I'm really concerned of an overpair. The 20 dollar bet gets called by 2 people. Turn is bad, an offsuit King. First position fires 40 dollars at it. The next player calls, and now with as much money in the pot(232 dollars), and me having, at least I hoped, 3 possible cards to hit(a 6, 7 or an 8 I probably get my stack in), so I call. River is a 6. Gin. First position checks, next checks, and I shove 64 dollars into the pot(all my chips), and get one caller who says "I know I just slow played myself into losing but I call", which I do appreciate. I show the straight and he mucks.

From that point on I absolutely ran my table over, using agression at almost any opportunity, playing way outside the normal play I'd use, because the table was very weak and bent to me at any chance. I was winning pots by re-raising with 9/3 off preflop when someone would open fold AQ.

So, it was a profitable day for all of us, we had alot of fun(especially with the prop bet), and we're back home in time to get plenty of sleep.

Tomorrow, Bruno and I will try and rep the Jack Seven crowd in the 1500 WSOP event, which I heard from someone today is completely full at 3000 players. Not sure if that's true, but if it is, bonus.

Hopefully tomorrow'll be a really late entry from me, and one of Bruno or myself will be deep.

Also, as a side note, I'd like to just say, Jimmy Mack rules!

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