Monday, October 12, 2009

What's this feeling of happiness?

Well, this summer was rough to say the least, I wrote a couple blogs that expressed what was happening in my life this summer so I won't rehash it now. Suffice it to say, summer was long and not as much fun as most people try and have during a summer.

With that said, there's this odd sensation sweeping over me. I think I remember it as "happiness", from well before the summer began.

Life is good for me right now, I got into the school I wanted to go to, a private school for Sports Broadcasting. The resumes of the teachers that I have in this semester alone is astonishing...

TV Writing - Jim Van Horne(worked at TSN forever)
TV Presentation - Jim Van Horne
Radio Writing - Elliotte Friedman(worked at Fan 590 and The Score before his current job on Hockey Night in Canada)
Radio Presentation - David Amber(worked at TSN for a number of years, then got hired onto ESPN)
Camera Operation - Dawn Landis(director of Off The Record and CFL on TSN)
Radio Editing - Ray Williams(has worked on the radio for almost 40 years)
New Media - Roger Lajoie(Fan 590 as well as about 14 other jobs)
TV Editing - Graham Holmes(lead editor at The Score)

School's been a blast, and after one month(ironically as I write this), I've been told I have a knack for writing, and I've already gotten an internship from the school working for

So that's been going great, it's alot of fun, learning alot, getting cool contacts and opportunities presented like crazy.

As for the focus on the blog, which is poker, well, that's been going pretty damn well lately also actually.

I've been steadily dominating the mid-teirs of SNG's on FTP for a little while. My ROI in $50+5 9 man SNG's is a steady 10%, and my ROI at the $69+6 45 man SNG's is a pretty zany 123%. So money is good too right now.

Have money to spend, awesome school life, and happiness with what I'm doing right now in poker because I feel like I'm one of the very best SNG players in the mid levels on the site right now, have absolute confidence sitting down at any table now, and am getting results to go in line with my feelings.

My SNG style is adapting slowly. I've gone almost completely away from the math based "SNG Wizard" approach to the games, and I'm actually playing a tighter style, I hate to draw this comparison because it's a real sore spot for alot of players, but I guess you could kind of compare it to the "Phil Hellmuth" approach. I just feel like I'm better than making marginal shoves with weak hands that SNG Wizard thinks turns a small profit. While the play may be profitable, it may not be the best path to winning...and I think a ton of players look at plays in a bubble now("is this unexploitably profitable?") and forget that there's a finish line we're working towards, and that the particular hand isn't the end of the SNG. As I play more, I find myself getting more comfortable around SNG play, and developing a style I feel is somewhat unique for the SNG's which have become oh-so robotic lately.

I know it's early to give out a New Years Resolution because it's not New Years, but I already know what mine is for poker.

This year a close friend of mine made a run at, and still sits somewhere(not sure where exactly) on the Sharkscope leaderboard for the $30-100 level.

It is my goal next year to finish top 5 on that leadboard.

Also since I have next summer off, I fully plan to make a return to Las Vegas next summer, and get back into tourney life down there. I've missed it the last 2 years.