Sunday, December 21, 2008

So what am I up to?

It's been a while since I caught up with people, and it's not necessarily that nothing interesting has happened in my life, it's just little of it has to do with poker.

Being that my "part-time" job is at a casino, this is the busiest time of the year for us, and thus our part-time job ends up as full-time for the month of December sadly.

And being that that's the case, I haven't had much time for online poker while working 5 days a week, I just can't get up to put in deep sessions online on one of my odd days off. Also, most of my days off I've been busy doing different things, that have been a ton of fun or very informitive to a potential future for me(I know I know, hard to beleive I actually have a future).

First off : Took a day off work to go catch my favourite standup comedian live in Toronto. Louis CK. If you've never seen Louis CK before, do it. There are videos a plenty online, or download or buy his specials. Whatever means you take to do it, see him. He's the funniest person on earth.

So me and a few buddies from Toronto went down to go see the show, and I've seen every standup special he's done, but this was on a whole other level. It was painful it was so funny. The venue wasn't overly huge, so afterwards he hung out outside it and did a meet and greet with people. Just a cool night overall, and I laughed more than I ever have in my life.

Since I know some of you are going to go in search of videos online, here's a couple to help you out :) :

Anyway, moving past Louis CK's amazing-ness, although it's deffinitely worth discussing because of his brilliance:

I was supposed to go on different fun poker trips the last month or two, and wound up hostage to different things. Wanted to go with Marco and Marc out to the BCPC, but wound up not because of family emergencies arising here. Wanted to go to Turning Stone with Marco and Marc and others, but again, work this time prevented it.

Next day I finally got off work I went back into Toronto again. This time to try and make an investment in my future. A close friend of mine and myself attended an open house at The College Of Sports Media in Toronto. A fantastic new school that just opened in the heart of Toronto, it's run by people who either once had, or currently have major jobs at all the major Sports media studios in Toronto. The founder is David Lanys, other teachers are Elliot Freidman, Jim Van Horne and countless other different people. It's a private school with a 2 year course that costs $17,000 a year to take, but guarantees a work placement at the end of your time at the school at any one of their affiliates(TSN, Sportsnet, The Score, Fan 590, Satalite Radio and others). They just started up recently, have no graduates yet(the first crop of students is now in year 2) and they already have a group of those students hosting a Tennis show on TV, and a bunch of them have jobs writing for different fantasy sites most notably

The opportunity is fantastic, I have a friend going there now who swears by it, and now regularily attends parties for UFC's with the guys from The Score. The contacts he has now are fantastic. And it's the kind of job that pays way more than it ever should, and would be just a blast to do, be it on air, or even just a behind the scenes writer or researcher or statistician or cameraman or producer or editor, all of which they teach you how to do there. And all of which make CRAZY money. So hopefully I'll be using poker winnings accumulated over time to pay my way to that school, and be attending it next fall.

Other than that, again, no real poker stories to tell you about honestly...for those of you on jackseven you may be pleased/proud/whatever to hear that the last time I was at work on a Tuesday, which is the day we host our big limit game, 50/100 limit, the guys at the table were all talking about Marc, after one mentioned having met him out at the BCPC, they all had nothing but glowing things to say about him, saying he's a great guy, real friendly, approachable and humble, and that he's a great player. So good on you Marc for not only ripping up the scene, but being a genuinely likable guy while doing it.

***End rant***